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  • 執筆者の写真Yoko Kajihara

Thoughts and Whispers 1

Cry together

We need an ocean

to float the ship

called 'hope'

Being alone can be a delicious escape from worrying about how you look to other people.

I do not do symbolism.

I just write what I saw and what I heard and what I did and what I thought and felt at that time.

Say, “I love you,” and then think about what you have just said very 'earnestly.'

Paradise is perhaps very close to you when it feels as if it were far away.

If you leave me

I would be a blue sky

without the sun

I would lose all shades of who I am

If you leave me

Orgasm is such a private pleasure as is writing. Not selfish, just private. To share it with someone without faking it you need to let yourself go like a base jumper.

Advertising is saying nothing as if it were saying something.

Our life is the place where no one becomes the same but everyone becomes equal in the end.

You might as well do makeup when you begin to age. It’s an armor and it’s an illumination and it’s yours finally.

This clown is not sad.

Though she looks like that.

She's still dreaming of becoming a smiling clown.

That's why.

I know how to enjoy rainy days because I love fine days already.

Writers are a group of people who make a fetish of what has already gone.

You can be right to be wrong when everything else looks wrong.

I am a good rubber

Nobody can break me

Maybe you’re too early for a black coffee but not early for love and lost love.

I don’t care if you no longer love me.

I don’t care if you hate me.

I just want you not to forget me.

I am this much selfish you know.

Without rainy days there would be no sense of thrill when you look up at a blue sky.

When you are blue, remember the first time you fell in love and the first time you had a broken heart.

You are all right.

You are still here.

Seasons stay when you don’t. Seasons change when you do.

Cats love to sleep

Dogs love to run

We love to have holidays

Ⓒ2021 by Yoko Kajihara All rights reserved.

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